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The Raspberry Pi
- FAQs about Raspberry Pi
- Installation tips from Oracle Java SE embedded
- Turbo-Mode (wichtig: 1000mA Netzteil, SD-Card Backup - wird evtl. korrupt bei Strommangel!)
- static ip
- SD cards
- Solarpowered Pi FTP
- solar2
- 25 cool Pi projects (robotic, home automation...)
- 7 projects
- Java
- zram - compressed RAM/swap
- extremeshok installation hints
- howto miniserver
- anonymous proxy (tor)
- colocated Rasp infos (setup, tweaks)
- AD-blocking Router von Adafruit inkl. Dokumentation
- hardening your Raspberry
- os info
- Proxy auf Debian (extern zugreifbar)
- Teaching Manual
- CAS Raspberry Pi Educational Manual
- emulate a bluetooth keyboard
- Coder von Google (Webprogrammierung auf Raspberry Pi lernen)
- plastic sheet
- Laptop (trag. Autokompressor + DVD Mobilgerät) - Infoquelle
- 10 things to connect to your Raspberry Pi
- temp sensor
- Advaboard
- Multimedia-Zentrale + Fernbedienungssensor
- UDOO (Raspberry Pi + Arduino = UDOO)
- AutoCAD free Arduino Circuit Design
- Wetterstation - englisches Schülerprojekt
- DukePad - Oracle Java + TouchScreen ($135)
- PiPad
- motion capture
- AP Wlan
- USV comment
- MediaCenter xmbc Artikel bei heise.de
- Links
- VDR on a ready SD
- Wifi radio
- arcade vintage
- C64 emulation source: ./
- Shop from "the pi hut" (lot of accessories)
- Raspberry Pi as HDMI Shield for Arduino